> Love and Peace or Else: Cool Stuff: Glass Vessel Pendant

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cool Stuff: Glass Vessel Pendant

What is it?: a pretty pink glass vase that has a leaf-like handle. This makes it look like the world's cutest pitcher plant.

Why is it cool? well, it's only sort of cool- it looks nice, but I'm afraid to wear it-it might break! So it just hangs with my necklace collection where i can bask in it's cuteness.

Where did you get it? I got this at a stall at the Maryland Renaissance Festival- one of the three craft festivals i have to go to (the Holy Trinity is Rennfest in the fall, Faeriefest in the spring, and now Artscape in the summer) and yes, i do dress up.

Can I get one? i think so. I can't remember what the name of the exact vendor was, and there are a lot of glassblowers on the Rennfest site and not all of them have websites. Just go to Rennfest! You WILL find something you like!

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