> Love and Peace or Else: Morrigan's Tooth

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Morrigan's Tooth

"Morrigan's Tooth"
laser cut plastic, copper, silver chain.

this is not the best picture of this object. Morrigan's tooth was the product of rage, frustration, and the nightmares i command. As an artist, i command many dreams, some of them not so pretty. But enough silliness.
Morrigan was (is?) the Celtic goddess of madness and war. She was the Queen of Nightmares, and ruled with fear. Morrigan would appear as a raven and feast on the dead of war. As Neil Gaiman says in his masterpiece "The Kindly Ones", "There will always be sacrifices to The Morrigan."
However, if you coould face your fears, you earned the respect of the Raven Queen. I imagined this as a badge of honour, given for facing your worst nightmares.

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